
Art imitating life.

Miles run yesterday: 4.5

Gluten-full meals I have eaten since Saturday: 8

Minutes I have had alone all summer: 3

I am not a loner.

Much has been made about all writers being introverts. I am not one.

However, and this is a big however, I do need at least a tiny pocket of time alone here and there. Since the kids got out of school, we have had one social outing after another. We have been to the lake, the pool, the ocean (are you sensing a theme here?), and spent time with two sets of grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends and neighbors.

I am afraid that my brain has stopped working.

Has your brain ever stopped working? Please send examples so I don’t feel so alone. Oh, wait. I don’t feel alone because I’m not alone. Ever.

No one is knocking on the door to my office, so I am going to quickly thank two awesome blogger friends for awards they were gracious enough to pass along.

Thank you to JM McDowell for the Thanks for Writing Award. JM is a thoughtful writer who has a wonderful series about beta readers and editing. She also blogs about her archaeological day job. She is like a blogging Indiana Jones, and I love Indiana Jones.

I’m not one for rules, and truly, I give out so many personal details on this blog, the award givers are probably hoping I will withhold 7 things about myself instead of doling them out. So here are a few blogs that deserve a Thanks for Writing shout out:

Josh Mosey: I discovered Josh’s blog recently. He writes about writing. And plus, he has a baby on the way, so that’s two super-exciting reasons you should check in to see what he’s up to.

Robin Coyle: Robin blogs about all things writing. She’ll help you clean up your manuscript by getting rid of all the weak words. In fact, in some cases, you may not have any words left over. She also posts cool photos of things like libraries cooler than those in your neighborhood and black-and-white pics of bygone authors.

4amwriter: Kate is a writer. She not only writes about being a mom and writing at ungodly hours of the morning but also posts on Limebird Writers, a nifty bunch of writers who give tips, talk about writing dilemmas, etc.

And thank you to Terrilee Clarke at Run.Dog.Cat.Me. Terrilee is one of the funniest bloggers around, and not only am I one day going to move next door to her so we really can talk over the fence, but I may confiscate her Grandma Alice for my own gene pool.

So many blogs inspire me. But here are a few not to miss:

The Wanderlust Gene: Being a homebody myself, I am inspired by images from all around the world. Can you imagine living in Sri Lanka and seeing elephants wandering the streets? This blog has the most gorgeous photos and musings. A must-see.

The Poe Log: By inspiring, I mean inspiring me to laugh. She is so funny and posts lots of things about reality television. A seriously good laugh.

Eggton: I’ve probably said it before, but you will laugh out loud when you read her stuff. Plus, she posts hilarious photos of her dogs and yummy recipes, too!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love to blog, and I’m very thankful to have people who read my words. I appreciate any time you have spent at Writing by the Numbers.

19 thoughts on “Reflections

  1. joshmosey says:

    Thanks for the link!

  2. crubin says:

    As this is my first summer home in my new “life chapter,” I am learning how difficult it can be to get anything done when the chillins’ are home from school. But then again, I’m treasuring the time, because I know it won’t last. 🙂

    • annewoodman says:

      Agreed. Actually, the kiddos are the “easy” part. ; ) I love spending summers with them. Now, if I could just hire a cleaning person/chef/wife figure, I’d have it made in the shade. ; )

  3. jmmcdowell says:

    Great group of awardees! I should dig out (oops, bad pun) my old field hat and do a new gravatar photo…. But I’d need some sporty-type sunglasses to go with it…. Then I might look like one of my main characters in the field. 🙂

    You’re very deserving of all the awards—I always look forward to your posts. 🙂

  4. robincoyle says:

    I am honored to be in the esteemed group of your other nominees. You made me blush. I bow down to those people! And you! Thank you so much.

    P.S. I found the closet to be a useful hiding place from the kidlets.

    • annewoodman says:

      I’ve tried the bathroom (doesn’t work) but haven’t yet tried the closet. Mine is so crammed with junk that I’m afraid all I could do is lie on top of the clean clothes and fall asleep!

  5. Wow, Anne – you’re the inspirational blogger! Congratulations and many thanks. I’m proud to be among such stellar bloggers.

  6. Stephanie says:

    I definitely need alone time. Just not too much of it. If I’m always surrounded by other people, or if I’m always on my own, my brain definitely turns to mush. I honestly think I’m at the exact halfway-point between introvert and extrovert.

  7. 4amWriter says:

    Wow, Anne, thank you so much for the thanks, lol. What a special award to pass around. I’ll have fun with it.

    Congrats on your awards. I look forward to checking out the blogs you mentioned.

  8. thepoelog says:

    I just saw this! Thank you so much! I’m flabbergasted! And honored to be included with such good company. I better step up my game now.

  9. […] Woodman over on Writing By the Numbers told all of her readers that I was “inspiring.” Then she had to explain her loco self (See, that’s Spanish there. It rhymes with Coco and […]

  10. […] Writing by the Numbers –  A writer, a runner, a mother, a thinker Inspiring Blog Award Share 7 things about yourself, 7 nominees […]

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